So the lady I was staying with helped make some clothes that she thought were in style and that were office approved. I applied for my first job ever and landed it at a telemarketing company, that pretty much hired anyone they had a high turn over so they were basically always hiring.
Without being able to drive yet I was going to have to depend on my dad to pick me up because of the long break I had between shifts, and Nathaniel would be going to daycare, he was 6 months now, and such a haply good baby, he hardly ever cried, slept well, ate well and spoiled rotten, First Grandson, Daddies first little boy and mamas boy, he was loved very much.
First day of work I had to prepare for the worst day of my life I had to leave Nathaniel with complete strangers and leave to work, I was already tearing up. So I pepared his food and his bottles as if the daycare workers couldn’t do it any better, yes he was already eating cereal and baby food, and we were off me and the lady I was staying with to leave my son at a daycare, why? Because I had to work, why couldn’t I just stay home and play with my baby like I had been doing, I could take care of him, he didn’t need a complete stranger to do it, he is going to be scared, I’m scared.
We had arrived at the daycare facility, I carried him in and brought him to the nursery, and gave the lady his schedule,meals and bottles then left trying not to cry, I barely made it back to the car and just started bowling you would thought I was giving him up for adoption or something, I barely cleaned myself up as I went in to work.