So my future mother in law out of the kindness of her heart drove me to a hotel of course after I had convinced her not to just take me right back home. I started applying for jobs right away seeing how I really did not have anyone to depend on, oh I did my parents but I left so I couldn’t go back.
Anyway so I spent my days walking around town applying for jobs, shortly after though my parents had disconnected my phone so then the only way I could inquire about a job is to actually go into the place of employment which meant a lot of walking for me.
The only thing holding me afloat was a had just gotten a pretty big settlement from a car accident me and my mother had gotten into the year before but that money was running low. So I realized something I a week late, I started to get a little excited was I finally pregnant so I started taking the necessary precautions just in case.
He wanted a boy of course, he already had two girls with his wife so naturally he wanted a boy. So I made a trip to the Hope Pregnancy center they help with pregnancy tests and free parenting classes, and my test was positive they gave me some info on not having sex before marriage and adoption.
So they scheduled me for a free ultrasound they only do this before the 3 month mark and if you hadn’t already seen the doctor, and I was about 6 wks along. That night I went to a homeless shelter, I was down to a couple hundred dollars which was immediately stolen because my I just left my purse laying out on the bed while I was speaking with the owner and of course it was never returned so now I had no money, no job yet and I was pregnant and my boyfriend could not help me because he was already married, but he was cool with me staying in his old sports car under his parking garage for as long as I needed to in the middle of the summer it was almost 100 degrees outside.
The homeless shelter would allow you to stay there up to 2 wks. while you had to show proof that you were actively applying for jobs, In the meantime my parents made a stop there one night I do not know how they figured out I was there we had a huge fight and the owners had to ask them to leave, I refused to go with them.
So my boyfriend had applied to attend an oil rig school down in Houston, Tx and I was going to stay in a hotel down there with him, so I had to sleep in his car for a couple nights because my two weeks had expired at the shelter and I still had no money and no job and being pregnant made it even more difficult to get job.